
Registration Date 26 Nov 2022
Revision Date 26 Nov 2022

Melamine Acoustic Insulation Foam


Construction Structural Materials

Acoustic Insulation Foam


Sound Insulation Thermal Insulation Lightweight Fireproof

Manufacturer's Description

Melamine Acoustic Insulation Foam has superb performance of acoustic and thermal insulation and excellent fire retardant. The unique open-cell three-dimensional structure of melamine foam effectively blocks acoustic waves. Melamine foam sound absorption performance is higher than that of other conventional materials of similar thickness. The Noice Reduction Coefficient (NRC) of melamine foam is 0.95, exceeding most conventional materials.

Whenever you’re trying to pick a way to develop the good quality at a space, then it seems every one has an opinion which is your very best alternative.

Acoustic foam is frequently the very first recommendation. Polyurethane foam, feltacoustic are a few situations of sound-absorbing fabric alternatives. When these substances are effective to a degree, they will have drawbacks.

FoamTech uses melamine foam to get our sound-absorbing services and products. Sound-absorbing services and products absorb noises at a place, where as sound proofing products clog them. Along with melamine foam offers superior sound-absorbing qualities. There are numerous reasons it is the the ideal choice along with other substances.

A big benefit of melamine foam along with other substances is the fact that it is perhaps not flammable. Melamine foam’s flame evaluation is Class A/Class inch at the USA. Melamine foam just will not burn off. If heated into 465F, the memory shrinks, also collapses. We do not add flame retardants to your services and products, as they’re not vital.

Additional sound-absorbing services and products such as memory felt and foam are typical highly flammable. As a way to pass flame evaluations, fire retardants have been inserted to memory foam and sensed. Fire retardants are compounds that many folks would rather limit inside their own environments.

Polyurethane foam includes some sound-absorbing faculties. It really is effective at attenuating noise waves in elevated levels. But, it merely provides lowfrequency isolation when adequate depth is employed. As the porous character of foam reduces sensory manifestation, it can allow the transmission of energy.
Felt is created by pressing and eucalyptus fibers collectively. The fibers are wool, synthetic, or perhaps a mix of those 2. The density of sensed absorbs noise through the oscillation of these fibers. When the felt is too thick, then it frees using this particular ability. Felt is best at dampening sound as opposed to consuming it.Sound-absorbing Quality and Additional