

MSDS 0.29 MB
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Registration Date 11 Apr 2023
Revision Date 11 Apr 2023

Graphene paste 30%


Construction Masonry Materials



Manufacturer Asserted


C Graphene CAS Number : 7782-42-5


Paint Plastics Polymer

Manufacturer's Description

It is a product made as a result of adding powdered graphene to propylene glycol. Graphene content in the paste may reach 50% of weight (i.e. there is 20 g of graphene per 20 g of propylene glycol). Depending on the graphene content, the paste may be more solid or more liquid (higher content makes the paste more viscous).

Working on graphene paste is safer than on powdered graphene which is dusty. Depending on particular needs, we can prepare a more solid or more liquid paste – in order to ensure the most optimal way of dosing graphene to the product. Regardless of the paste form, graphene content will be higher than in dispersions in other solvents available on the market. In the available dispersions, graphene content is about 5% of weight; whereas, in the paste it can reach 50% of weight; such a content requires less solvent.

The product which we offer is a paste with the graphene content of 10% – this is a content which facilitates dosing for most applications. If the content is higher, the paste viscosity increases greatly, which makes its pouring more difficult.

It must be noted that the solvent used – propylene glycol is a safe substance, stable in normal application and storage conditions. It is easy in evaporating and it does not solve most polymers used in the industry.

Graphene paste is mixed with water, acetone and isopropanol in the ratio 1:1, this enables changing the solvent depending on the process needs. The paste form facilitates adding graphene to the final product. It may be used in the polymer industry, in the production of plastics with the addition of graphene, varnishes, paints.