

Registration Date 30 May 2023
Revision Date 30 May 2023

Food Supplement - Nano Extreme D3


Food Supplements

Food supplement


Regenerating skin Vitamin Muscle Promotion Bone Strengthening

Manufacturer's Description

Capsules with the purest international technology in food supplementation. Contains extreme concentration of Vitamin D3, Vitamin K2 and Magnesium Dimalate.

International technology in food supplementation.

A perfect combination, designed so that there is no overload on the body.

The only food supplement on the world market with an association of extreme concentration of Vitamin D3, K2, Magnesium Dimalate and Argin with rapid absorption.

A true formula for youth and physiological rebalancing.

It can be associated with all aesthetic protocols with In & Out technology.

Minimizes the occurrence of acne.

Softens expression lines and wrinkles.

Skin revitalization.

Improves physical, mental performance and all muscle function.

It improves the development of the body and the bone system by promoting the absorption of calcium by the bones.

Helps in the prevention of osteoporosis.

Strengthen bones and teeth, making them healthier.

Prevents premature aging.

It improves neurological function and regulates the presence of calcium and iron in the blood.

It protects the cardiovascular system and helps in the treatment and prevention of hypertension.

Improves and regulates insulin secretion.

It reduces the risk of diabetes, because it regulates the transport of sugar.

Improves hormonal health by stimulating adequate production of estrogen in women and testosterone in men.

Helps in weight loss

60 capsules Take 1 to 2 capsules a day

Exempt from Anvisa registration, according to RDC 240/2018.