Dais Analytic Corporation |
Environment Water and Wastewater
Nanofiltration PlantNanoClearâ„¢ clean water systems revolutionize water desalination and wastewater treatment with an eco-friendly, affordable, and simple process. This process is scalable to almost any size. Commercially available Dais nano-materials have the control and selectivity to remove virtually any substance, providing affordable, abundant, and energy-efficient clean water.
The NanoClear process brings clean, affordable water to a world with limited and diminishing fresh water supplies. Meanwhile, the world's ever-growing population has a strong thirst for clean water. NanoClear offers an affordable, effective solution to this global problem of increasing water demand and diminishing supply. Using the Dais nanotechnology polymer, NanoClear purifies water at the molecular level. This method allows only water molecules to pass through, delivering the cleanest water possible. Because of this new approach, NanoClear can inexpensively treat salt, brackish and wastewater.