

Registration Date 13 Nov 2015



Petroleum Oils and Lubricants



NPD Conjectured

Tungsten disulfide

WS2 Nanoparticle /Nanopowder CAS Number : 12138-09-9


Service, repair, revitalization and preventive measures of the following equipment: wheel bolts, nuts, and other screwed connections; mechanisms of locks, doors, boots, bonnets, etc.; chain drivings (motor, bike, bicycle) and hard-to-reach mechanisms; rubber gasket of doors, boot, bonnet; lubricating of the bearings Treatment of the scratches, fractures and dents on the car body before repair Preservation of the screwed connections, connectors, bearings, movable parts, metal details during their storage on the open-air sites Pre-sale preparation of vehicles Provides the start of electric equipment after its being washed
Door Car Chains Bolts


Protects components and aggregates from all kind of moisture (steam, humidity, condensate, fog, splashes, rains, acid rains, salt and chlorinated water, sulphuretted hydrogen, chloride, chlorine-containing gases, etc.) Penetrates under layers of rust and facilitates cleansing Stops corrosion processes Releases the rust details Helps to easily turn off bolts, nuts, and other screwed connections Prevents parts from creak Protects from scratches and fractures on the metal surfaces from corrosion (the surface applied with NANOPROTECH Electric can be prepared for painting by removing a protecting coating with any circuit plate cleanser, brake cleanser or alcohol) prevents from freezing of moving mechanisms (locks, doors, boot, bonnet,etc.) provides stable operation of equipment in winter improves the condition of rubber gasket of doors, boot, bonnet has high penetration rate and is indispensable for lubricating of chain gears (motor, bike, bicycle) and hard-to-reach mechanisms is efficient for preservation of screwed connections, bearings and moving parts, and also metal details during their storage on the open-air sites is efficient for drying of the bearings and hard-to-reach mechanisms allows to drive a car and to use mechanisms in various climatic conditions Builds water proof and water repellent coating Completely displaces moisture from the applied surface Due to powerful capillary effect penetrates inside units without dismantling Fills in microscopic cavities Maintains high elasticity Does not cause harmful effects and does not destroy metals, plastic, rubber, glass, varnish, colors, and ceramics Does not dissolve in water Does nor emulsify provides dielectric strength of conductors Is rubber, silicone, acryl, tetrafluoroethylene and aroma free Weather and temperature resistant Health and environment friendly Operating temperature ranges from -80°С to +160°С Duration of protective coating is from 1 to 3 years

Moisture Resistance Thermal stability Corrosion resistance Waterproof

Manufacturer's Description

NANOPROTECH Auto products have powerful waterproof, anti corrosion, lubricating and penetrating properties. Our product protects movable parts from freezing at the temperature from 0° to – 80°С!In contrast to so-called “liquid keys”, “lock thrawer” and insulating sprays, NANOPROTECH is isopropylalcohol, thylene glycol and white spirit free, does not evaporate, does not require any additional cleansing or lubricating. By displacing moisture, NANOPROTECH Anticor lubricates  mechanisms.
Protective coating securely holds to the surface and withstands strong mechanical loading. Insignificant excess of the product can leak out creating stroke marks and oil spots on the water. The surface applied with NANOPROTECH can be prepared for painting by removing a protecting coating with any circuit plate cleanser, brake cleanser or alcohol.