Sherwin-Williams Company |
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Registration Date | 2 Dec 2015 |
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Construction Masonry Materials Product Number : 55.030034-16
CoatingSilicon dioxide
SiO2 Nanoparticle /Nanopowder CAS Number : 7631-86-91. Densifies and hardens new and existing concrete. 2. Penetrates and reacts with concrete quickly. 3. Produces a more uniform surface. 4. Resists blushing and yellowing. 5. Increases life expectancy of concrete. 6. Easy to apply and maintain. 7. Easy to polish - Minimizes labor costs.
H&C Clear Liquid Hardener & Densifier is an amorphous colloidal silica solution designed to both harden and densify concrete. (Second-generation densifiers are lithium silicate-based densifiers with nano-sized technology and waterborne colloidal silica from nano-sized amorphous particles mechanically suspended in water.)