AdTech Optics |
Electronics Laser Product Number : CM-376-DFB01
Lasersingle mode operation CW mode of operation
7760nm The attached data sheet features and AdTech QCL laser (quantum cascade laser) device. Characterization for the device # CM-376-DFB01 is shown. Device characteristics include a wavelength current tuning coefficient of 35 nano meters per amp of drive current, while the QCL laser device is at 15 degrees celcius. The temperature tuning coefficient shown is 0.6 nano meters per degree Kelvin. The temperature tuning range is listed as 10 degrees celsius to 60 degrees celsius, continuous wave mode of operation. The maximum efficiency of this QCL is shown at 4.2% referenced at total power, single mode operation. The maximum optical output power is 135mW. This output power is referenced to the comments that the device is uncoated, operating in single mode, 1 side only. The maximum output voltage of this QCL (quantum cascade laser) is shown as 8.9 volts with a threshold voltage of 7.8 volts. Maximum current on the attached data sheet is 850mA with a temperature reference of 15 degrees celsius in CW mode of operation. The center wavelength of this QCL laser is 7.76 micro meters and the threshold current is 500mA. Please contact AdTech Optics for information or for purchasing details.