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Registration Date 11 Apr 2016

PointProbe® Plus Non-Contact / Tapping Mode - High Resonance Frequency - Au coating (Detector Side)


Electronics Sensor Product Number : PPP-NCHAuD-10



The probe offers unique features: guaranteed tip radius of curvature < 10 nm tip height 10 - 15 µm highly doped to dissipate static charge Au coating on detector side of cantilever chemically inert A metallic layer (Au) is coated on the detector side of the cantilever which enhances the reflectivity of the laser beam by a factor of about 2.5. Furthermore it prevents light from interfering within the cantilever. The virtually stress-free coating is bending the cantilever less than 2 % of the cantilever length.

Inert Versatility High Resonance Frequency High sensitivity Fast Scanning Ability Dissipate Static Charge

Manufacturer's Description

The Point Probe® Plus (PPP) combines the well-known features of the proven PointProbe® series such as high application versatility and compatibility with most commercial SPMs with a further reduced and more reproducible tip radius as well as a more defined tip shape. The typical tip radius of less than 7 nm and the minimized variation in tip shape provide more reproducible images and enhanced resolution.NANOSENSORS™ PPP-NCHAuD probes are designed for non-contact mode or tapping mode AFM (also known as: attractive or dynamic mode). This AFM probe combines high operation stability with outstanding sensitivity and fast scanning ability.