Analog Devices, Inc. |
Electronics Integrated Circuits Product Number : AD5311R
Integrated Circuits (ICs)Selectable span output: 2.5 V or 5 V Total unadjusted error (TUE): 0.06% of FSR maximum Offset error: ±1.5 mV maximum
The AD5310R/AD5311R, members of the nanoDAC® family, are low power, single-channel, 10-bit buffered voltage output DACs. The devices include an enabled by default internal 2.5 V reference, and provides 2 ppm/°C. The output span can be programmed to be 0 V to V REF or 0 V to 2 × V REF . All devices operate from a single 2.7 V to 5.5 V supply and are guaranteed monotonic by design. The devices are available in 10-lead MSOP packages. The internal power-on reset circuit of the AD5310R/AD5311R ensures that the DAC register is written to zero scale at powerup when the internal output buffer is configured in normal mode. The devices contain a power-down mode that reduces the current consumption of the device to 2 µA at 5 V. The AD5310R/AD5311R use a versatile SPI or I C interface, including an asynchronous RESET pin and a V LOGIC pin that provides 1.8 V compatibility.