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Registration Date 14 Jul 2016

Advanced Nano Technologies Advanced Cell Life X-1 and X-2


Food Supplements

Humic Acid


Advanced Cell Life X-1 and X-2 from Advanced Nano Technologies. As originated in nature, or through very high quality processing and refining, fulvic acids are biologically active, low molecular weight (i.e., small molecules) derived from humates or fulvates. Organic fulvic acids are created by micro-organisms in the soil, for the purpose of transporting minerals and nutrients from the soil into the plant.

DNA Protection Multivitamin Complex

Manufacturer's Description

Two sister products called X-1 & X-2 are included under this name. Talking with our scientist behind this beautiful formula he told us that he has had a look at the Bions under an electron microscope along with different samples of humic and fulvic acids from different sources and companies.The first look he had was that all the particules were perfectly aligned with the north and south and when they went for higher magnitude light was being emitted from the particules
Highest quality Humic Acid with a naturally occuring complex of vitamins, minerals, DNA material, Amino Acids including known and unknown factors in less than 1% of RDA.ADVANCED CELL-LIFETwo sister products called X-1 & X-2 are included under this name. Talking with our scientist behind this beautiful formula he told us that he has had a look at the Bions under an electron microscope along with different samples of humic and fulvic acids from different sources and companies.The first look he had was that all the particules were perfectly aligned with the north and south and when they went for higher magnitude light was being emitted from the particules. He said it was beautiful.NO OTHER SAMPLES OF HUMIC OR FULVIC CHECKED WERE LIKE THAT, only the products derived from our X-1 or X-2. Humic Based X-1consists of humic acids squeezed from rock deposits. These deposits are the remnants of plant and animal life that decayed over thousands of years and was deposited into certain rock masses of the earth. Finding great deposits is paramount for a great product base. We have perhaps the greatest find in the whole earth at this time.It is located on Native American land in western America. It is loaded with minerals, amino acids, vitamins and DNA material. We extract these materials with a technique or method exclusive to us that unlike other processes preserves all of the great known and unknown factors. Both products are prepared by our technicians to be anti-tumor, anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-parasitical. They both repair the DNA, Detox and rebuild the liver.These statements do not mean they are slightly effective. They are majorly effective.