

Registration Date 13 Aug 2016

Acenano Calcium As Fortifying


Food Supplements

Dietary Supplement


Food fortification


The calcium from some vegetables such as broccoli, bok choy, and kale is absorbed as well as or better than calcium from milk and milk products, but these foods have a significantly lower amount of calcium per serving. Plus, some plant sources of calcium may contain substances, such as phytate, oxalate, and fiber, which reduce the bioavailability of calcium. It is time to seriously consider carefully targeted calcium fortification programs and calcium supplementation to help adolescent and young females meet their recommended calcium intake levels. We shall remember that a calcium-rich diet is only one part of an osteoporosis prevention or treatment program. Like exercise, getting enough calcium is a strategy that helps strengthen bones at any age. But these approaches may not be enough to stop bone loss caused by lifestyle, medications or menopause. Many forms of calcium fortified products which include AceNano Calcium shall be largely enhanced in value. For example, consumption of soft drinks has been hypothesized to be negatively associated with calcium intake. However, fortification of some foods and beverages may have affected calcium intake.

Plant Metabolism Acceleration

Manufacturer's Description

Nano Calcium is very suitable for food fortification. Few other foods provide such a concentrated source of calcium that is as readily available for absorption as do milk and milk products. Refer to the report on " Effects of Nano Calcium Supplemented Milk on Bone Mineral Metabolism in Ovariectomized Rats", The result indicates that nano-calcium supplement milk induce in high intestinal absorption and inhibit bone loss by ovariectomy. It proved as the most effective calcium supplemented milk compared to others for the improvement and prevention from OSTEOPOROSIS.