

Registration Date 16 Aug 2016

naturalgreens wholesale


Food Supplements

Dietary Supplement


Just like all of our products, we add additional name brand ingredients to make them the most powerful on the market with the most health benefits. It’s our promise to you and our mission is to give you the best product on earth with or we go back to the drawing board. We guarantee no other greens superfood powder can compare.

Anti-oxidant Nutritional Energizer

Manufacturer's Description

Everyone knows we all need dark, leafy greens to stay healthy, but most don’t have the time, budget or the taste buds to get the full spectrum every day. Did you know we need 3 times as many vegetables today to make up for the nutrients lacking in our soil? No matter if you are good at getting whole foods into your diet or not, we all need extra nutrients from a vegetable supplement to help keep our bodies healthy. 
naturalgreens vegetable supplement is the perfect solution. In just one serving you get the antioxidant power of 8 servings from 55 different ingredients. This green powder supplement is truly a powerhouse of nutrition and wellness, made easy. 
The cool thing is, we take it a few steps further than other greens powders and we make sure your body actually absorbs it for better results you can actually see and feel a difference with. 
Simply take one scoop of naturalgreens, add water, shake it up and go! Use can also use unsweetened almond milk or coconut milk to add extra creamy deliciousness. Or mix together with other nanoproducts to create an even more enjoyable experience with optimal health benefits. All of our products are made to mix and match into each other.