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Registration Date 9 Nov 2016

HOB Food Intolerance Screening ELISA Test


Medicine Medical Supplies Product Number : HOB-FIGG-4A

Food Intolerance Screening Test


For patients suffering from chronic symptoms such as chronic urticaria, eczema, erythema, lichenoid amyloidosis, anaphylactoid purpura, psoriasis, acne, long-term abdominal pain, chronic diarrhea, anabrosis, ozostomia, nausea, flatulence, irritable bowel syndrome, migraine, chronic cough, asthma, allergic rhinitis and so on; For people who have food preference; For people with suboptimal health status.
Medicine Diagnostics Nutrition Consultant Eczema Chronic urticaria Lichenoid amyloidosis Anaphylactoid purpura Irritable bowel syndrome Allergic rhinitis Asthma


Simple: 2 mL of whole blood is drawn from patients for testing. Fasting or dietary change is not needed. Comprehensive: Multiple and customizable panels are available. Easy: The testing procedure can be performed either manually or automatically. Fast: Software enables automated result interpretation and reporting in 2 hours. Reliable: The semi-quantitative determination is highly sensitive and specific. Safe: Post screening, dietary modification is recommended with no drug intervention.

Non-toxic Comprehensive Reliable

Manufacturer's Description

The incidence of food intolerance in the general population is as high as 50%, resulted from high serum food-specific IgG levels. This leads to many chronic diseases such as eczema, urticaria, anaphylactoid purpura, lichenoid amyloidosis, acne, and so on. Due to the wide spectrum of clinical symptoms, it is in general difficult to diagnose. Patients are not in general awareness of food intolerance and its consequence, while the continuation of uptake of the provoking food exacerbates the underneath pathology and outward symptoms. A timely change of diet, now possible thanks to the awareness from food intolerance screening test, will in general relieve patients from long-term suffering. HOB Food Intolerance Screening ELISA Test measures the food-specific IgG antibodies in human serum, providing a comprehensive overview of human body’s immunological response to up to 100 different types of food and/or ingredients. With the choice of food based on the screening result, the quality of daily life is assured.
1.           Specific allergens are immobilized into individual microplate wells.
2.           The allergens are allowed to react with specific antibodies present in the patient’s serum. 
3.           Excess serum proteins are removed by the washing step. 
4.           Enzyme labeled antibody conjugate is allowed to react with the allergen-antibody complex. 
5.           A color is developed by the addition of a substrate that reacts with the coupled enzyme. 
6.           The color intensity is measured by photometer and is proportional to the concentration of IgG antibody specific to a particular allergen.

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