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Registration Date 9 Nov 2016



Others Electronics and Appliances

Image Viewing System


Radiation therapy


1) Import of DICOM 3.0/RT patient data sets. 2) The data and images are stored and retrieved from the DICOM server. 3) Generate digital reconstruction radiograph (DRR) in seconds. 4) With necessary CT resolution of 0.8mm slice thickness and 0.6mm pixel size, the correction accuracy of 0.5mm in translation and 0.5° in rotation can be achieved. 5) Support for 2D registration using only one DR image, and 3D registration using two DR images; Display DRR, DR, and overlay image on the same panel. 6) Display correction vector in full screen for distant viewing; Arrange registration and correction both automatically and manually. 7) The IVS software can control several hardware interfaces connected to the Data Acquisition computer. 8) The IVS software can manage several configurations for DICOM files, X-ray flat panel (both KV images and MV images), tube settings (for KV images), treatment geometry, etc. 9) Digital panel based EPID Dosimetry can be used as an efficient tools to replace wet/dry film, dosimetry array detectors, to perform conventional QA, in a 2D/3D fashion.

Manufacturer's Description

Targeted Image Guided Radiation Therapy The TiGRT IVS (Image Viewing System) is an accurate and easy-to-use Patient Position Verification and Electronic Portal Imaging Device (EPID) system. It is used for patient position verification, patient tumor tracking and localization, portal verification and record, dynamic MLC leaf detection, dosimetry verification, and exist dose recording. IVS uses stand-alone 8” or 16” digital panel hardware and related software for calculating a 6 dimensional correction vector (3 translations + rotation, pitch, roll) that is required to bring the patient to the position and orientation specified in the prescription.
1 Application: EPID, Dosimetry, IGRT, SRS 
2 Accuracy: <0.5mm & <0.5degree 
3 Calculation Time: 15 seconds 
4 X-Ray Detector: Amorphous Silicon Digital X-Ray Detector 
5 Detector Size: 8"/16"
6 Acquisition Resolution: better than 1024*1024*8 bit 
7 Acquisition Mode: Single, Double and Treatment sequence exposures
8 Set-up Images: Displayed and stored singIt immediately and automatically
9 Treatment sequence: Acquire and display up to one image per second 
10 Adapter Type: Available for any Linac, C60, Proton machine