

Registration Date 13 Feb 2017



Agriculture Animal Husbandry

Veterinary Disinfectant


Manufacturer Asserted


Ag Nanoparticle /Nanopowder CAS Number : 7440-22-4


To improve the water quality and to make sure the livestock and poultry's drinking water meet the standard. Somguard can be used to prevent and cure livestock and poultry's intestinal disease effectively.
Poultry house


Anti-bacterial Activity Non-toxic Environmentally Friendly Anti-microbial activity

Manufacturer's Description

SomGuardTM is an eco friendly, non toxic, universal disinfectant and biocide. It eliminates all types of pathogenic yeasts, moulds, fungi amoeba, bacteria, and virus.
SomGuardTM as a biocide and universal disinfectant has multiple applications in sectors as varied as food processing , aquaculture , agriculture , floriculture, poultry, food & beverages , pharmaceuticals , hospitals , hospitality and many more sectors where disinfection and microbe load elimination plays an integral role for quality output in terms of a product / service.As it has been shown that the continuous use of antibiotics as growth promoters provoke the retention in animal tissues and that the human consumption of such animal products would potentially increase processes of antibiotic resistance, movements of social pressure towards food security were claiming for a strict control and against their use in animal feeding, reaching the banning of using antibiotics as growth promoters from 2006 in the European Community (CE 1831/2003).
Somguard has an oligo-dynamic, stable and long lasting effect. SomGuardTM is completely bio-degradable and quickly eliminates micro-organisms thereby making it a safe, convenient and easy to use product that leaves no residues.Somguard contains ionized siver encapsulated with a bio-polymer and of size 400-700 nmThe bio-polymer encapsulation prevents any form of oxidation that would otherwise convert silver into a compound leaving it ineffective against microbes.
Nano silver ions bind to the molecular components of the microbial cell and further deactivate the metabolic system and inhibit further reproduction of the microbe eventually killing it.
Traces of silver remain on the sterilized surface that are not visible and non -toxic but actively check any further microbial resurgence and germination.