
Registration Date 12 Jun 2017

Ceramic coating, liquid, heat-insulating TSMCERAMIC


Construction Masonry Materials

Thermal Insulation Coating


∙ liquid insulation materials ∙ Painting of facades , entrances, apartments, offices , steel structures ∙ Fire processing of metal, concrete, wood ∙ The application of waterproofing materials ∙ Application of rough cast
Concrete Facades Office Wood Building


Thermal insulation of facades thermal insulation coloring surfaces exposed to the ravages of the environment isolation are hot objects for their fire - truboproprovodov hot and cold water. corrosion protection

Thermal Insulation Corrosion resistance Waterproof

Manufacturer's Description

For applying heat-saving material TSM Ceramic for a long time, our company applies the company's equipment the GRACO , which has established itself as a reliable and require minimal maintenance. Working with equipment for painting very productive. Coloring is very fast. The insulation material covers the entire surface. Insulation achieved thus has no gaps and ensures complete insulation . Painting of the surface occurs in several stages, which improves results and increases the reliability of insulation. When using the insulating material for insulation or facade insulation piping  insulation serves not only to retain the heat, but also for the protection from corrosion and destruction.
Research Center "Siberian heat-Company" - the official distributor in Russia of the GRACO , founded in 1926 and is a world leader in fluid handling systems and components, sells a wide range of equipment for painting and its components to be applied to a variety of paint surface, coatings, insulation, roofing materials, plasters, etc. Coating of surfaces using GRACO equipment allows to reduce the material consumption and improve coating quality.