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Registration Date 12 Jun 2017

Reinforcement composite STEKON


Construction Structural Materials

Armature composite


in the basements of residential buildings, industrial facilities and other constructive solutions on an elastic foundation industrial floors and outdoor areas for equipment, a hydro (sewage, drainage and culvert structures, pump stations) in onshore and offshore berthing facilities, a tunnel constructions, in ordinary and prestressed building structures in the manufacture of monolithic concrete and prefabricated buildings in the structural elements in the form of individual rods, in retaining walls and structures, in wall bearing and non-load bearing elements, in concrete elements and structures in a distributed base (foundation, floor, slab, etc.) a tunnel constructions, in bridge constructions, at the base to the railroad tracks, Walling, in onshore and offshore berthing facilities, in power plants, buildings and structures with electromagnetic radiation, in buildings and constructions MSW storage, highly toxic waste.
Bridges Oil and gas industry Construction industry


Compounds reinforcement produced according to the classical scheme, by tying wire (not eliminated embodiments viscous plastic special clips and clamps, clips). Production of bent elements of the composite reinforcement is possible, but such products have wide applications for the following reasons: - Curved reinforcement elements of the composite are significantly more expensive - a curved shape can be given only in the production process. The existing practice of offering combined frames in which the straight elements of the composite reinforcement are joined with curved metal elements. Since the adhesion to the concrete in a composite metal reinforcement is similar - mechanically (through the outer edges), reinforcement compound produced as classical overlap. Higher metal relative strength: Tensile strength at higher quality reinforcement is more than 3 times (1200Mpa against 380Mpa). This allows calculation passage provided at a lower elasticity module, use the composite reinforcement of smaller diameters. No corrosion: composite reinforcement consists of glass fibers bonded together with epoxy. Such materials have long been producing casing river and sea boats / yachts and body parts of cars, which are long in an aggressive external environment. Lighter weight: when compared with an equal volume of metal in the composite is 5 times better. Provided replacement diameters can achieve weight reduction 9,5raz that optimizes storage processes, shipping and installation. Ability to twisting in the bay: compact bay diameter from 0.8 to 2.2 m optimize logistics and installation processes, allowing to make reinforcement cages with a minimum of joints supporting rods that together with savings in excess footage in the overlap makes integral structure.

Corrosion resistance Lightweight Strength

Manufacturer's Description

Armature composite "STEKON" represents rods of reinforcing glass fibers impregnated with a polymer binder with an outer helically-ribs provide engagement with the concrete.