

Registration Date 16 Jun 2017

Nano coating for glass


Construction Masonry Materials

Glass Protective Coating


Manufacturer Asserted

Titanium dioxide

TiO2 Nanoparticle /Nanopowder CAS Number : 13463-67-7


Window glass, stained glass, automotive glass, glass advertising structures.


• Water-, oil- and dirt-repellent layer; • Protection against ingress of dirt to a depth of pores; • Advance protection from microorganisms, algae and moss; • Resistance to seawater, salt air and acid rain; • Resistance to ultra-violet radiation; • Without silicone, wax and oil; • The high efficiency at very low layer thickness; • Long-term preservation of the treated surfaces and objects.

Durability Water resistance Oil resistance Algae Resistance Anti-moss

Manufacturer's Description

Nano panes facilitates the removal of dirt from the glass, insects, snow, ice and other unpleasant contaminants.Glass treated with a protective nanocoating, much easier free of ice and snow. Coating repels rain, dirt and splashes. Caught on glass bitumen, vegetable gum, oil film adhering insects etc. easily removed from the surface. Regardless of weather your glass remains crystal clear!On the treated surface can be realized "lotus effect": water trapped on the treated part of the material is collected in a virtually ideal spherical droplets form which roll off easily from the surface, carrying the particles of dirt and dust.Used to preserve the integrity of windows and glass facades. Protective nanocoating can reduce the amount of pollution, the frequency of washing of glasses, as well as reducing the consumption of detergents. The coating also used for automotive glass, and is indispensable for driving in the rain: convenient, safe, economical.
Protective nanocoating for vehicles motorists in demand worldwide. Manufacturing companies and end-users everywhere are using the latest processing technology and surface protection of vehicles.The use of protective nanocoating for glass and coatings offers high driving safety, reduces the cost of maintaining the vehicles clean. Nano-coatings are used to protect the bottoms of boats and ships from fouling with silt. Means reducing the number of visits to the docks, reduces the cost and time of treatment, provides protection and decorative finishing materials vessels.
HTC FSUE "NIIP" is finalizing anti-icing agents. This is one of the key factors in the safe and efficient operation of air transport.