AppliChem GmbH |
Cosmetics Skin Care Product Number : A1385
Anionic detergentHigher solubility than SDS. The LiDS-PAGE (Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis with LiDS) is performed at 4°C providing an improved separation.There is a large number of different detergents available and choosing the best detergent for a special application is not trivial. In many cases, a set of detergents has to be tested to select the one with the best properties. If the goal is the isolation of a protein preserving its structural and functional state, one should consider the temperature, the pH and the ionic strength of the system as well as interference with assays. Several other parameters may influence the choice too. Assuming that the factors mentioned above are dictated by the protein and are held constant, the factors that are left to be optimised are the detergent's strength (in this case a mild, non-denaturating one), chemical structure, solubility and concentration.