Kimitec Group |
Registration Date | 15 Sep 2017 |
Revision Date | 15 Sep 2017 |
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Agriculture Soil Improvement
Soil EnhancerCorrects deficiencies of calcium. • Increases availability of calcium due to polymaleic acid. • Better absorption and assimilation of Calcium. • Improves development of roots, stems, buds and fruit, and generally any organ in growth.
Descal is a product with a high concentration of calcium with the addition of polymaleic acid. Polymaleic Acid acts as a mobilizer of salts. This substance incorporated into the soil solubilizes calcium, magnesium and sodium, replacing sodium by calcium and magnesium in soil aggregates, leaving the sodium free to be carried by irrigation water.
With this formulation we manage to increase the formation of stable aggregates between soil particles, improving aeration, water storage, facilitating a greater amount of calcium available to the plant and better absorption and assimilation of this element.