Laviosa Chimica Mineraria SpA |
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Registration Date | 10 Jan 2018 |
Revision Date | 10 Jan 2018 |
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Others Composites and Polymers
Rheology modifierOrganoclay
Nanoparticle /Nanopowder CAS Number : 1302-78-9
VISCOGELS are essential additives in the formulation of printing inks to adjust their rheological properties, especially in high-speed printing inks. The use of VISCOGEL contributes to flow, obtaining an even consistency and better printing resolution. VISCOGELS are frequently used in lithographic inks, for newspapers and letterheads.The range we offer includes a vast number of available VISCOGELS. There are two methods of incorporation: the conventional method requiring the formation of a “pregel” with a polar activator, or direct addition of the product in dispersible form, for which a polar activator is not required.
VISCOGEL® XD is a new high performing, highlyeffective rheological additive for solvent-bornesystems of low to medium polarity. that providesthixotropic effect, sag control, excellent levellingand prevents pigments from long-term storagesettling.The nature of VISCOGEL® XD is a highly purifiedbentonite clay, organically modified with aquaternary alkylammonium compound. Unlikemost of the other conventional organoclays,VISCOGEL® XD is self-activating and easilydispersible, hence simple and convenient to use.