Bech Chem, LLC. |
Registration Date | 16 Jan 2018 |
Revision Date | 16 Jan 2018 |
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Others Composites and Polymers
Rheology modifierOrganoclay
Nanoparticle /Nanopowder CAS Number : 1302-78-9
Organically modified clay, commonly referred to as organoclay, are primarily used as rheological additives, gellants and thickeners for all water and solvent borne systems, organic liquids and oils where thickening, gelling, anti setting, anti sagging, body, tack and viscosity controlling characteristics are desired.
Organically modified clay is ideal for applications that are cost sensitive. Products range from pre-activated, easy dispersible, organoclay for low to medium and medium and high-polarity systems. It provides high viscosity in the low shear rate range and is shear-thinning. Traditional, non-activated organoclay chemistries are also available