Hangzhou Jingyi Chemical Co.,Ltd |
Registration Date | 16 Jan 2018 |
Revision Date | 16 Jan 2018 |
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Others Composites and Polymers
Rheology modifierOrganoclay
Nanoparticle /Nanopowder CAS Number : 1302-78-9High gelling efficiency over low to medium polarity organic liquids. ☆ Ideal thixotropic and anti-sagging property. ☆ High viscosity and excellent thickening property over a wide temperature range. ☆ Imparts particle suspension, preventing hard settling of pigment and fillers. ☆ Exerts strong film reinforce action in organic binder systems.
BK®-283 is an organoclay (tetraallkyl ammonium bentonite) for solvent-based systems of low to medium polarity.BK®-283 belongs to the conventional type of organoclay group, which requires mechanical energy, shear forces applied with a goods dispersion equipment, and a chemical (polar) activator to reach the proper level of delamination of the organoclay platelet stacks. Polar Activator: Dosage of polar activator ( such as propylene carbonate, 95%ethanol , acetone or 95% methanol) is 30%-45% by weight of BK®-283.It is always recommended to determine the proper level of addition by experiment. Either defect or excess of chemical activator would result in poorer viscosity development.