
Registration Date 27 Jan 2018
Revision Date 27 Jan 2018

Walatra Spirulina platensis G


Food Supplements

Food supplement


Eye Cardiovascular disease


With ten times as much beta carotene, spirulina is an excellent source of antioxidants to fight disease. Spirulina is a source of vegetable protein with all the amino acids to build muscle. Spirulina contains high concentrations of B vitamins that are essential for maintaining heart health and destroying carbohydrates and lipids. One of the few sources of GLA, spirulina is a powerful anti-inflammatory that can lead arthritis sufferers and prevent heart disease (supports heart function and healthy cholesterol) Phycocyanin pigments strengthen the immune system Improves digestion and digestive health Improve natural cleansing and detoxification Promotes healthy skin Ycocyanin natural dyes for food, cosmetics, and medicines in particular as a substitute for synthetic colors and are able to reduce obesity As a Weaker Immunity Enhancer As an Natural Supplement Supplement Overcoming Anemia Overcoming Allergies Treating Liver Problems Can Be Used As Cancer Drugs Reducing The Effects Of Chemotherapy Can Help Brighten Skin Restores Skin Moisture Makes Skin Tighter Fortifying Skin From Free Radicals Accelerate Skin Cell Transmission

Immunity Improvement Cellular Protection Nutritional Anti-microbial Cell regeneration

Manufacturer's Description

Walatra Spirulina Plantesis G Capsules is a health product from CV WALATRA HERBAL, this product is rich in nutritional elements needed by the body. For those of you who want to get the product can directly contact us as an authorized distributor.

100% genuine products, proved fake we buy back with 2x priceThe product is broken or not until we replace it with a new one without any additional costMessage 1-2 bottles send goods first, after up to good new transfer paymentShipping only use JNE for Indonesia regionOverseas shipments (Hongkong, Taiwan, and Singapore) using EMS Indonesian PostWalatra Spirulina Plantesis G Capsule is a good herbal product for the health of the human body and also has benefits and benefits to overcome complaints of disease in the body.
Walatra Spirulina Plantesis G This capsule is a new product from CV WALATRA HERBAL company that deliberately in production in order to assist you in overcoming complaints of disease that you suffer. Spirulina Plus Tablet is made from 100% natural ingredients of Spirulina platensis which is rich in nutritional elements needed by the body.
Safe to eat because it will not have a negative impact on the body and will not give the impact of dependence, Walatra Spirulina Plantesis G Capsule is a product that is in production using advanced technology that is by using NANO TECHNOLOGY. The advantages of this technology Nano has no doubt, this technology is able to convert spirulina platensis into nano-sized molecules that make Walatra Spirulina Plantesis G Capsules quickly dissolve in water and will be easily absorbed by the body. Walatra Spirulina Plantesis G product Capsule-shaped capsule so that the content of spirulina platensis will remain intact and remain sterile until it reaches the consumer's hands.
For safety itself you no longer need, because Walatra Spirulina G This capsule is really safe, will not leave side effects and make dependence. This is because, the legality that he already has that has been registered officially in BPOM RI with registration number TR. 173 306 561.Content Available At Walatra Spirulina Plantesis G Capsule
Walatra Spirulina Plantesis G Capsule has plenty of good nutrition for the health of the human body, including:
1. Vitamins: vitamin B1 (thiamine), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B3 (niconamide). vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), vitamin B9 (folic acid), vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin), vitamin c, vitamin D and vitamin E. 2. Minerals: (Calcium, chromium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium, and zinc). 3. Contains many pigments: 3'-hydroxyechinenone, bera-cryptoxanthin, oscillaxanthin plus phycobiliproteins c-phycocyanin and allophycocyanin (phycocyanin is a pigment that boosts immunity and produces anticancer) 4. Protein5. All essential amino acids and essential acids (gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), and also provide alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), linoleic acid (LA), stearidonic acid (SDA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahexaenoic acid DHA), and arachidonic acid (AA)