An eco-friendly, certified technology, a new concept to reduce pollution, a multi-layer fabric capable to purify air in indoor and outdoor environments. TheBreath® is the result of the research and development experience of Anemotech, an Italian company specialized in creating innovative solutions for the environment.From maxi-billboards to specific product applications, the system works with zero impact and in passive mode, namely it does not need to be
An eco-friendly, certified technology, a new concept to reduce pollution, a multi-layer fabric capable to purify air in indoor and outdoor environments. TheBreath® is the result of the research and development experience of Anemotech, an Italian company specialized in creating innovative solutions for the environment.From maxi-billboards to specific product applications, the system works with zero impact and in passive mode, namely it does not need to be activated or powered by external energy sources. TheBreath® uses only the natural circulation of air to absorb and eliminate fine particles."Pure Technology" means sustainable performances and a consistent reduction of air pollution.Find out how it works: www.thebreath.itAPPLICATIONS- Out of Home, billboards and maxi-billboards, site specific installations.- Residential buildings, construction sites, advertising facilities, street furniture, road signage.- Offices, houses, shopping centers, schools, hospitals, airports, public events.- Product applications, automotive, childcare, fashion, clothing, accessories and more.FEATURESThe Breath® eliminates volatile organic compounds that are hazardous to health, such as Benzene (C6H6), Toluene (C7H8); nitrogen oxides (NOx); sulfur oxides (SOx) and ozone (O3), the precursors of fine particles known as PM 10, PM 2.5 and PM 1.0.The Breath® consists of two external layers of waterproof fabric with bactericidal, anti-mold, and anti-odor properties, plus an intermediate layer of carbonic adsorbent fiber with nanomolecules, capable of separating, retaining and eliminating the polluting micro-particles in the atmosphere.