Biocera Co. Ltd. |
Registration Date | 9 Sep 2016 |
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Others Nanomaterials Product Number : NS3K
Colloidal SilverSilver
Ag Nanoparticle /Nanopowder CAS Number : 7440-22-4Transparent liquid Combined with activated Carbone, textile or pulp No nitrates included in the liquid No change in its color to the UV Strong antibacterial durability
Silver Ag ion is a material known to sterilize about 650 kinds of harmful bacteria and microbes by repressing their smooth metabolism function. Nano is a very small particle of size 10-9(1㎛) and has the thickness of 1/100,000 of our hair.
Nano Silver (NS) is specially to be processed as small as nano particle size with normal Ag to have antibacterial and sterilizing functions byusing the technology to form and synthesize nano particles in various solvents.
Biocera NS Series is the solution to be combined with "Nano Poly Technology" of highly polymerized compound and its processing technology and “Antibacterial function of Ag."
Properties : Anti-bacterial Activ,Transparency,UV Protection
Application : Textile products,Paper industry,Filters,Paint,Plastics
Properties : Anti-bacterial Activ,Transparency,UV Protection
Application : Textile products,Paper industry,Filters,Paint,Plastics