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Registration Date 4 Aug 2017

pronice aqua: Anti tarnishing nanoprotection for silver surfaces in industrial applications


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Anti-tarnishing coating


Jew­ellery man­u­fac­tur­er, tech­ni­cal sil­ver sur­faces, elec­tro­plat­ing in­dus­try.
Silver Jewelry


Based on the Smart Nano-Coat­ing and at the ap­pli­ca­tion of the most mod­ern Nanoan­a­lyt­ics an ef­fi­cient coat­ing sys­tem against the tar­nish­ing of sil­ver sur­faces was de­vel­oped. Com­pared to con­ven­tion­al meth­ods this new high qual­i­ty pro­tec­tive sys­tem for sil­ver sur­faces is of high per­ma­nence. pron­ice aqua: is wa­ter-based, free of or­gan­ic sol­vents, op­ti­cal­ly in­vis­i­ble due the the low layer thick­ness, it pro­tects ef­fi­cient­ly against ox­i­da­tion and dis­col­oration, is dirty-un­friend­ly/wa­ter­proof and it pro­tects against skin al­lergiese. The pro­tec­tive sys­tem is free of par­ti­cles- and heavy metal ions. Spe­cial Bio-poly­mers ad­sorb onto the sil­ver sur­face and bond up to a few Nanome­ter-thick pro­tec­tive layer.

Oxidation Resistance Dirt resistance Waterproof Anti-tarnishing

Manufacturer's Description

ef­fi­cient patent­ed pro­tec­tion sys­tems against ox­i­da­tions and stain­ing of sil­ver, Gold brass and all other re­lat­ed al­loys and met­als. Prod­ucts for the ap­pli­ca­tion in the mass pro­duc­tion and for small shops and gold smiths.  Water based as well as paste sys­tems for the pro­tec­tion, clean­ing and pol­ish­ing are avail­ableOur silver-approach protection pronice aqua was tested dermatologically and found to be "very good"The silver-approach protection pronice med was tested for Cytotoxity and is admitted in the medicine technology areaTo the backup of our production quality our products are checked regularly in addition to the internal high-class control by the institute of non classical chemistry inc. of the University of Leipzig
Based on the Smart Nano-Coat­ing and at the ap­pli­ca­tion of the most mod­ern Nanoan­a­lyt­ics an ef­fi­cient coat­ing sys­tem against the tar­nish­ing of sil­ver sur­faces was de­vel­oped. Com­pared to con­ven­tion­al meth­ods this new high qual­i­ty pro­tec­tive sys­tem for sil­ver sur­faces is of high per­ma­nence. pron­ice aqua: is wa­ter-based, free of or­gan­ic sol­vents, op­ti­cal­ly in­vis­i­ble due the the low layer thick­ness, it pro­tects ef­fi­cient­ly against ox­i­da­tion and dis­col­oration, is dirty-un­friend­ly/wa­ter­proof and it pro­tects against skin al­lergiese. The pro­tec­tive sys­tem is free of par­ti­cles- and heavy metal ions. Spe­cial Bio-poly­mers ad­sorb onto the sil­ver sur­face and bond up to a few Nanome­ter-thick pro­tec­tive layer. Areas of ap­pli­ca­tion: Jew­ellery man­u­fac­tur­er, tech­ni­cal sil­ver sur­faces, elec­tro­plat­ing in­dus­try.