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Registration Date 4 Aug 2017



Renewable Energies Solar Cells

Conversion layer


Met­al-pro­cess­ing in­dus­try, coat­ing in­dus­try
Met­al pro­cess­ing

Manufacturer's Description

Cr-free con­ver­sion layer: NanoCon coat­ing is based on the Smart Coat­ing Tech­nol­o­gy. It can be ap­plied as an ultra thin layer and gen­er­ates a de­fined in­ter­me­di­ate­ly con­ver­sion layer. The prod­uct was de­vel­oped to­geth­er with in­dus­tri­al part­ners and it ful­fils high-class stan­dards as well as the de­mand­ed and nec­es­sary layer pa­ram­e­ters like chrome free. NanoCon gen­er­ates con­ver­sion lay­ers with good ad­he­sion and cor­ro­sion pro­tec­tion prop­er­ties on alu­mini­um and zinced steel sur­faces. The ap­pli­ca­tion takes place in the im­mer­sion as well as the spray pro­cess ful­fils all ap­pro­pri­ate qual­i­ty re­quire­ments.oat­ing sys­tems based on the the Smart Coat­ing tech­nol­o­gy use spe­cial­ly de­vel­oped self as­sem­bly tech­niques ap­ply­ing Nano-or biopoly­mers for the for­ma­tion of lay­ers of­nanome­ter scale. They are dis­tin­guished with high func­tion­al­i­ty or pro­tec­tive with­out ap­ply­ing any chrome, metal or any Nanopar­ti­cles. They are wa­ter-based, freely from toxic ma­te­ri­als like Trichlosane, Pb, Cr, Ti, CD, Hg, Cyanides or halo­gens and are con­form to the EU di­rec­tives: EU old car pre­scrip­tion (200 / 53 / the EC) and RoHS (in 2002 / 95 / the EC).
Qual­i­ty stan­dards:To the back­up of our pro­duc­tion qual­i­ty our prod­ucts are checked reg­u­lar­ly in ad­di­tion to the in­ter­nal high-class con­trol by the in­sti­tute of non clas­si­cal chem­istry inc. of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Leipzig.