
Company Type

Goods Manufacturer


  • Automotive ‎1
    • Auto Parts ‎1

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Nano Sakhtar Mehr Asa

  • 1Product
  • 1Types
  • 1Industry

About Company

Nano Sakhtar Mehr Asa Company Was established in 2013 to investigate, research and development in relation to the production of nanofibers and nano-technology products and the efforts of the local tech Fitness program began to target its activities. The company design and manufacture of devices and rehabilitation and restoration of prototypes, Finally, after almost a year of study and hard work were produced the first generation of industrial machines to

Nano Sakhtar Mehr Asa Company Was established in 2013 to investigate, research and development in relation to the production of nanofibers and nano-technology products and the efforts of the local tech Fitness program began to target its activities. The company design and manufacture of devices and rehabilitation and restoration of prototypes, Finally, after almost a year of study and hard work were produced the first generation of industrial machines to nano fibers mass production. Due to the growing population and increasing vehicle production, we are caught up air pollution in large cities, thus optimizing fuel is essential to avoid increasing air pollution. Car air filter is one of the factors affecting the complete combustion of fuel in the combustion chamber. In other words, proper treatment enriched air from particulate matter and pollutants, causing complete combustion, reducing consumption and thus reduce the pollution from vehicle exhaust. Car air nano filter is covered with a layer of nano-fibers, the majority of fine particles suspended in air purification and improves engine performance, efficiency, accelerating the car and ultimately reduce fuel consumption.

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