Nano Agro Science Co-operative Society Ltd. |
Registration Date | 17 Aug 2016 |
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Agriculture Fertilizers
FertilizerBio Potash enhances the potash uptake in plants leading to higher productivity. Improve the fertilization of soil. Solubilise the fixed potassium in to exchangeable form for the plants Stimulates flowering and fruiting Exudates of the root and secrete organic acid and enzymes. Secretes growth hormones to increase crop productivity. Add Luster, Sweetness and quality of produce. Increase sucrose content in crop. Other benefits: Bio Potash does not disturb the ecological balance. Decrease the hardness of soil, increase the porosity of soil and water holding capacity. Restore the resistant power and immunity in soil root zone area. Soil becomes live by increase the loading of microbes. Reclaim the salty and saline land and convert worthy for farming simultaneously and help to de-compose the botanical waste in soil.
What is Bio Potash?
Bio Potash is a Lyophilized bio-fertilizer based on a selective strain of potash mobilizing, beneficial bacteria Frateuria aurantia. It is available in Lyophilized Powder (Min.1x 107 bacterial cells/ gm.) formulation.
Mode of Action
The cells of Frateuria aurantia contained in the product on reaching the soil get activated and produce fresh batches of active cells. These cells grow and multiply by utilizing carbon source in the soil or from root exudates. The microbial population and its activity i.e. organic acid secretion contribute the changes of potassium mobility from the soil towards plant roots.
Properties : Root Vigor Improveme,Nutritional,Plant Growth Acceler,Root Activity Improv
Application : Seed treatment,Plants,Tree,Flower
Properties : Plant Growth Acceler,Root Activity Improv,Root Vigor Improveme,Nutritional
Application : Flower,Seed treatment,Plants,Tree
Properties : Root Activity Improv,Root Vigor Improveme,Nutritional,Plant Growth Acceler
Application : Tree,Plants,Flower,Seed treatment
Properties : Nutritional,Plant Growth Acceler,Root Activity Improv,Root Vigor Improveme
Application : Plants,Tree,Flower,Seed treatment
Properties : Nutritional,Plant Growth Acceler,Root Activity Improv,Root Vigor Improveme
Application : Tree,Seed treatment,Plants,Flower